MICRO and SEED Grant Applications Open 1/27!

NC IDEA Newsletter – September 20, 2018

Once again, North Carolina has endured a devastating weather event. And once again, before Florence even left the range of our radar images, North Carolinians rallied to help one another.

Across the state, friends, family, and neighbors are looking after loved ones, as well as complete strangers. It is in the rich tradition of the state and in our DNA. Perhaps that makes this the perfect time to share another example of friends and partners across the state helping others.

Today, we are announcing the second cohort of our NC IDEA ECOSYSTEM Partner grantees; thirteen organizations (sharing $1.5 million in funding) that are working to help people realize their entrepreneurial potential. The groups recognized below will be joining our first cohort (11 awarded in 2016) in offering a variety of grants and programs within the communities they serve across the state.

This group was selected from 34 applicants based upon multiple factors, including how well they understand the needs of the entrepreneurs they serve, and how they might be better served by a statewide network of service providers that can augment their locally available offerings.

Whereas we are excited to make this announcement today, we do recognize that several of our new partners have been significantly impacted by Hurricane Florence. But that will not suppress the power of entrepreneurship and we will stand with them ready to support their activities as they rebuild. That is, after all, the entrepreneur’s way – the North Carolina way.

Entrepreneurially yours,

Thom Ruhe


Announcing the 2018 NC IDEA ECOSYSTEM Cohort


NCGrowth, Chapel Hill
StartCharlotte, Charlotte

Read the Full Announcement

Other News & Events

NC IDEA Seeking 2019 Startup Analyst Fellows

NC IDEA’s Startup Analyst Fellowship program consists of a year-long/two-semester fellowship. This program is targeted at 1st year MBA students (and into their 2nd year), but students in other related programs are welcome to apply.

This program is ideal for students interested in 1) having an investment career with an angel/venture capital firm or 2) entrepreneurially minded students looking to enhance their knowledge of the startup landscape in North Carolina and/or gain a better understanding of how young ventures are evaluated by investors.

Please share this opportunity with MBA students in your networks.

Step Right Up at LaunchBio

On October 4th, NC IDEA ECOSYSTEM Partner Larger Than Life Science is all about taking initiative. Learn the best way to approach business development. Figure out how to attract top talent to a startup. Explore some novel ways to conserve capital while building a company. Challenge fellow scientists to a pipetting contest – complete with bragging rights!


WIN Seeking Managing Co-Director

Since 2016, NC IDEA has supported the Wolfpack Investor Network (WIN) through its NC IDEA ECOSYSTEM grant to Triangle Venture Alliance. Since its inception in 2016, WIN has had a tremendous response and wants to enhance its capacity and service. With a membership base over 140 members, and having facilitated approximately 15 investment opportunities to date, WIN is looking to hire a Managing Co-Director to help lead the program operations and manage the investment process.

Please share this opportunity with your networks and anyone you think may be interested.

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