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Meet Our Founders: PJ Morrison

PJ Morrison

Project Heel – MICRO Fall 2022

Published May 10, 2023

As part of our ‘Meet Our Founders’ series today, we introduce PJ Morrison, Founder of Project Heel based in Wilmington, NC. Project Heel is a patented shoe attachement that instantly stops the medical condition of toe walking in children.

Q: What problem are you trying to solve and what influenced you to start your company?

A: I am attempting to make Project Heel the gold standard in Toe Walking Treatment.

Q: How will your NC IDEA grant funds advance your company?

A: The NC IDEA grant will allow me to increase my marketing and advertising as well as increase my inventory.

Q: Who has been the biggest influence on your life?

A: My parents have always been supportive especially with Project Heel. They have helped with emotional support as well as financially in obtaining the patent and figuring out how to create this business.


While visiting Wilmington, PJ recommends:

  • My favorite thing to do in Wilmington is to drive my Jeep on the beach at Fort Fisher.

Support Project Heel and PJ by:

  • Just help spread the word. If you see a child in public walking on their toes tell the parents about StopToeWalking.com!