MICRO and SEED Grant Applications Now Open!

Celebrating Entrepreneurial

Your activities engage communities. Our ENGAGE grants support your efforts to unite like-minded folks to celebrate and promote entrepreneurship.

NC IDEA ENGAGE empowers individuals and organizations to ignite vibrant community entrepreneurial ecosystems by fueling diverse and inclusive initiatives across North Carolina. ENGAGE welcomes applications for activities centered around entrepreneurship, including entrepreneurial programs, pilots, events, and student educational initiatives that foster connections, collaborations, and impactful activity throughout the state.

NEED FUNDING for your entrepreneurial activity?

Applications are Accepted on a Rolling Basis

Applications for funding up to $5,000 are accepted on a rolling basis. Proposals are reviewed monthly. Grants are intended to be spent within one year. Qualifying proposals must be submitted at least 60 days before the proposed activity. Proposals submitted within the 60-day window are less likely to be considered.

Eligible activities for NC IDEA ENGAGE include:

  • Entrepreneurial Programs
    • Programs that empower entrepreneurs with structured support through activities like incubators and accelerators that provide mentorship, co-working space, or access to resources. Programs can offer technical assistance and resources to enhance business skills and knowledge, facilitate connections with investors and funding sources, equipping entrepreneurs for growth. These programs are established and have a proven track record of success and a defined structure for delivering services or assistance.
    • Outcomes: Increase startup rate success, accelerate business growth, and boost economic development in North Carolina.
  • Pilots and new initiatives
    • Spur innovation by supporting the development and testing of pilot programs and events that target specific needs or under-served communities. Experimentation and data-driven approaches can be effective in fostering entrepreneurial success. Activities that are new and untested are considered pilots. These activities are smaller-scale endeavors that have the potential to be turned into full-fledged programs if successful.
    • Outcomes: Inform future program development for entrepreneurial support organizations, discover breakthrough solutions, address emerging gaps and challenges, and diversify and strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
  • Events that focus on entrepreneurial activity
    • Foster a vibrant and connected entrepreneurial ecosystem by supporting conferences, workshops, networking events, pitch competitions, and other events centered around entrepreneurship. These are one-time or a series of gatherings designed to bring entrepreneurs and supporters together. The majority of the event’s focus should be on entrepreneurship.
    • Outcomes: Increase awareness and excitement around entrepreneurship, connect entrepreneurs with potential funders, partners, and customers, and provide opportunities to highlight economic development via entrepreneurship.
  • Entrepreneurial Student Education
    • Equip the next generation of entrepreneurs with essential skills through educational programs tailored for students at all levels. The activity will facilitate early exposure to entrepreneurial concepts and opportunities.
    • Outcomes: Cultivate a pipeline of talented and prepared entrepreneurs, foster entrepreneurial thinking for North Carolinians, and strengthen the future of the state’s economy.
  • Other
    • Strengthen the network of North Carolina’s entrepreneurial support organizations (ESOs) by providing resources to collaborate, develop programs, and envision a more entrepreneurial North Carolina—Foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing among ESOs and other stakeholders. This can also be selected for activities that do not fall neatly within the different categories but still align with the grant program’s goals.
    • Outcomes: Create a coordinated and comprehensive support system for entrepreneurs across the state, remove barriers to access and resources, leverage collective expertise, and promote a holistic approach to fostering a thriving ecosystem.

Eligible applicants for NC IDEA ENGAGE would include:

  • Non-profit or for-profit entrepreneur support organizations
  • Local governments, colleges and universities
  • Capital providers such as seed-stage funds and angel groups
  • Service providers that support entrepreneurs
  • Individuals, entrepreneurs, and/or their companies

NC IDEA ENGAGE does NOT fund the following:

  • Business grants. Companies seeking funding for business operations should consider our MICRO and SEED grant programs
  • Long-term engagements (NC IDEA ENGAGE grants serve to get your program or event off the ground, but due to limited budget, you cannot expect ongoing funding)
  • Funding for equipment or overhead costs
  • Capital campaigns
  • Proposals that do not align with NC IDEA’s mission

Please remember that although your submission may fall under our eligibility criteria, funding for proposals is limited, and awards are at the sole discretion of NC IDEA.

Applications are reviewed monthly by the NC IDEA staff. Applicants are expected to provide an estimated budget for the grant funds in the application and concrete metrics that will determine the activity’s success. Proposals that align with NC IDEA’s mission to support diverse and inclusive entrepreneurship, specifically supporting companies with ambitions to grow to more than 50 employees and millions of dollars of revenue, are more likely to be considered. Proposals selected to receive funding are required to report on the achievement of metrics and are expected to provide data back to NC IDEA after the grant period. Please remember that although your submission may fall under our eligibility criteria, funding for proposals is limited, and awards are at the sole discretion of NC IDEA.

Download a template of the application here. Applicants can use the application template document to draft their answers offline and share them with colleagues for input before submission. Answers must then be cut and pasted into the online application. NC IDEA will not accept applications via email, fax, mail, or in person.

When is the grant cycle open?

  • NC IDEA ENGAGE accepts applications on a rolling basis. Submissions are reviewed monthly. Please apply at least 60 days ahead of your program or event.

Can NC IDEA sponsor my organization’s event?

  • NC IDEA accepts requests for event sponsorship via the NC IDEA ENGAGE Grant program. Funds from the ENGAGE Grant can be used to sponsor events that align with NC IDEA’s mission and fall within the eligibility criteria.

Can I apply for the ENGAGE Grant to help fund my startup or small business?

  • The ENGAGE Grant does not support operation costs for startups or small businesses. Your company may be eligible for NC IDEA MICRO or SEED grants. Many of our partners can assist you as you grow your business. You should also contact your local SBC or SBTDC for technical assistance.

When can I expect a decision regarding my application?

  • You will receive an automatic confirmation once your application has been submitted. If you have not received confirmation, please contact programs@ncidea.org for assistance. Application decision notifications will be sent within 4-6 weeks of applying.

I have already received an ENGAGE Grant for my event/program. Can I apply again?

  • The NC IDEA ENGAGE Grant is short-term funding for any activity selected for a grant. One of the goals of this program is to help get pilot programs and events off the ground to help build community support. An applicant can receive funding for the same event or program up to three times if in good standing. Current grantees are considered in “good standing” if they do not have any overdue requirements. This does not mean that repeat funding is guaranteed. Due to the limited budget, applicants should not expect ongoing or repeat funding for projects that have previously received an ENGAGE Grant. Applicants are encouraged not to assume they will receive funding and not to represent or make other funding initiatives contingent upon receiving a grant. If you have questions about applying for multiple ENGAGE Grants, please contact Sarah Mixter (smixter@ncidea.org), Director of Ecosystem Engagement.

Application Tips

  • Be specific and measurable. Avoid using vague language like “make a difference” or “be beneficial.” Instead, use concrete examples and data to show how your program will have a positive impact on the entrepreneurial ecosystem of North Carolina.
  • Focus on the long-term outcomes. Focus on more than just the immediate outcomes of your program. Think about how your program will continue to benefit the community.
  • Explain how your program aligns with the goals and objectives of NC IDEA ENGAGE.
  • Use clear and concise language, avoiding jargon or overly technical terms.
  • Highlight your activity’s specific goals and objectives and how they connect to NC IDEA’s broader mission.
  • Emphasize how your activity promotes diverse and inclusive entrepreneurship in North Carolina. This could involve targeting underrepresented communities or fostering collaborations between different groups.
  • If applicable, mention any data or research supporting your activity’s potential economic impact.
  • Highlight the potential of your activity to support companies aiming for significant growth, exceeding 50 employees and millions in revenue.

Choosing and defining metrics:

  • Select metrics that are relevant, measurable, and achievable within the scope of your activity.
  • Ensure your chosen metrics align directly with your activity’s goals and objectives.
  • Clearly define each metric and explain how it will be measured and tracked.
  • Consider using a combination of quantitative and qualitative metrics to provide a comprehensive picture of your activity’s outcomes.



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